5 Ways to Prepare Your Commercial HVAC System for Winter
Winter is almost here, and if your property’s commercial HVAC system hasn’t been properly maintained during the year, it may not be ready for the season. If you don’t want to spend money on unexpected, expensive repairs or replacements, follow these five steps to prepare your HVAC system for winter:
1. Turn On Your Commercial HVAC System and Note Anything Unusual
It sounds simple enough, but turning on your system and making a note of anything unusual is a great first step toward making sure it’s in good shape for the winter season. If you notice any sounds, such as rattling, squealing, screeching, clacking, or banging, it’s possible there’s an underlying issue that could be related to a specific component in your system, such as a bad fan belt, a loose or broken part, or an object that’s obstructing airflow.
Keep in mind that some sounds and smells are normal to hear, especially when you’re first booting up your system for the winter. If anything unusual persists, call Air Stream as soon as possible.
2. Check Your Thermostat Settings to Maximize Efficiency
It’s important to keep your HVAC system at the right temperature for the season so your tenants remain as comfortable as possible around-the-clock! Additionally, if your thermostat is set too high, it can cause your HVAC system to work harder than necessary and cost more money over time.
Smart building controls are an excellent, energy-efficient alternative to traditional systems which allow you to automate aspects of building management such as heating and cooling. With smart building controls, you can easily maintain consistent temperatures throughout your building with the click of a mouse, your tenants will be comfortable, and you can worry less about costly winter energy bills.
3. Change Your Commercial HVAC System’s Air Filters
Your commercial HVAC system’s air filters are a crucial part of keeping your building comfortable, safe, and healthy. While you may not think much about them when they’re clean and new, dirty or clogged air filters can cause serious problems for your business—including reduced efficiency, increased energy costs, and higher maintenance costs. Fortunately, it’s easy to prevent these issues by making sure that your commercial HVAC system is running at peak performance by maintaining a regular maintenance plan from Air Stream. Our team will keep you on a regular maintenance schedule so you don’t have to even think about the last time you changed your filters—we’ll handle it!
4. Schedule a Coil Cleaning
We receive a lot of service calls year-round that are due to dirty evaporator, steam, hot water and condenser coils. When coils become dirty over time from dust and debris, it can cause airflow issues, which in turn, can reduce the lifespan of your commercial HVAC system.
Cleaning the coil is also important for high-efficiency commercial heating and cooling systems because it helps improve the performance of your system by improving evaporation rates, distributing heat evenly throughout the whole system, and ensuring that all of your equipment is operating at peak efficiency levels.
5. Establish a Regular Commercial HVAC Maintenance Plan
The best way to ensure your building is comfortable year-round is by establishing a regular commercial HVAC maintenance plan with Air Stream. We will set up a schedule based on your system’s needs and stick to it, so you don’t even have to worry about it! Your HVAC system will reward you for your diligence with fewer breakdowns and expensive repairs, not to mention energy efficiency that can save you money on utility bills.
To make sure your HVAC system is winter-ready, call (516) 747-4700 to schedule service now.
The 5 Essentials a Good Commercial HVAC Maintenance Plan Should Have
As a property owner, you know better than anyone how many moving parts there are within a single property. Making sure your commercial HVAC system is performing efficiently can occasionally get lost in the chaos that comes with owning a commercial property.
To ensure your commercial HVAC system is working properly and your tenants are comfortable around-the-clock, a preventative commercial HVAC maintenance plan is recommended—here’s why.
Why You Need a Preventative Commercial HVAC Maintenance Plan
Along with the peace of mind that comes with a preventative HVAC maintenance plan, you’ll also:
- Reduce the risk of breakdowns and emergency repairs
- Save money on energy costs because of better-performing equipment
- Improve your indoor air quality
- Extend the lifespan of your commercial HVAC system
- Maintain compliance with local regulations
- Keep your tenants comfortable 24/7
So, you know WHY you need a commercial HVAC maintenance plan, but what should you look for while shopping for an HVAC company? Here are 5 essentials.
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Essential #1: A Proactive Approach
In the field, we often see property owners dealing with emergency HVAC situations because of a simple issue that could have been caught and prevented if there had been a regular commercial HVAC maintenance plan in place. At Air Stream, we have a proactive approach toward HVAC maintenance. Early detection often prevents costly repairs down the road by allowing for the identification of potential issues before they cause major damage or shut down your entire system entirely. Scheduled maintenance can help you avoid expensive breakdowns by preventing small problems from becoming big ones! Scheduled maintenance calls typically include routine cleaning, inspection, and testing of all components in your HVAC system.
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Essential #2: Engineering Expertise
Ensuring your HVAC system is working as efficiently as possible starts with deep knowledge of your building. Understanding the infrastructure of your building, starting with its original engineering drawings, is essential in designing the best possible maintenance solution for your property’s needs.
A licensed engineer will not only look at the physical components of your system but also consider the environmental factors such as building size, occupancy levels and geographic location—all things that can affect how effectively your unit works year-round. Additionally, they will assess how well all operating systems are working together so they can make recommendations on how they might be improved upon or improved altogether when necessary.
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Essential #3: The Latest in Commercial HVAC Technology
As a business owner, you want to be sure that the HVAC systems in your commercial building are running at their peak performance. You also know that with constant use, equipment can break down and cause major issues that could put your business at risk. Using the latest technology to maintain these systems is essential because it helps prevent future problems and allows you to identify any issues as soon as they occur so they can be quickly solved.
Air Stream prioritizes advanced HVAC technology for our clients’ maintenance plans, using diagnostic onsite troubleshooting using hand-held devices and the latest HVAC technology for every maintenance inspection. We also provide automated solutions such as our Smart Building Controls, which can significantly increase HVAC system efficiency and cut costs.
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Essential #4: Dedicated Technicians
With any service for your property, there’s something to be said for working with a consistent service provider who knows your building inside and out, including its unique design and nuances.
At Air Stream, we have small teams of around 15 technicians who work in specific zones, such as New York City, Long Island, Westchester, and New Jersey. These technicians have been fully trained at our onsite education facility and placed with HVAC maintenance jobs based on their specialties, ensuring our clients receive the most effective service every time.
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Essential #5: 24/7 Support
The first four commercial HVAC maintenance essentials were all about making sure that your equipment is running at peak performance. But what happens when something goes wrong? The fifth and final essential involves having a plan in place to make sure you’ll be able to get help when you need it.
Our team delivers superior service through:
- A streamlined operations process, which involves convenient access to your service and equipment history, inventory, and cost analysis capabilities for each piece of equipment, ensuring we can access your account information and answer your questions quickly
- A dedicated service team, including a Service Manager, Service Coordinator, and Field Supervisor who are dedicated and up-to-date with your property
- Real-time communications with our fleet of service vehicles that receive work orders on the go
- Availability 24 hours of the day, 365 days of the year for any emergencies that arise
In Need of Commercial HVAC Service?
While you can’t prevent all the surprises that come with being a building owner, you can make your commercial HVAC system one less thing to worry about! At Air Stream, we will work with you to customize a cost-effective commercial HVAC maintenance plan to fit your business’s specific needs.
To get started, call (516) 747-4700.
4 Signs Your Commercial Building Has Poor Indoor Air Quality
A well-designed and maintained building is essential to maintaining comfort indoors. However, if you own a commercial building, it’s important to be mindful of the tell-tale signs of poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) you can prevent potential health effects for your tenants.
What Is Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?
We gave a complete breakdown of IAQ in our recent post, 5 Ways to Improve Your Building’s Indoor Air Quality, but to quickly recap, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is real measure of the quality of air inside a building. IAQ is affected by a number of factors, such as the temperature, humidity, commercial HVAC system, and contaminants. IAQ is always evolving as new pollutants, such as mold, mildew, pollen, dust, dander, smoke, and other contaminants enter your building.
The Signs You Have Poor Air Quality
If you suspect your commercial building may have poor air quality, look for the following signs:
Dust Buildup
Dust is an inevitable part of occupying spaces, however if you’re noticing significant amounts of buildup, keep in mind that this is going to reduce the IAQ in your building. The more often you’re leaving windows and doors open and skipping those air filter changes, the more likely dust is collecting inside.
No one wants to experience bad odors in a commercial building, but there are some unpleasant odors that serve as warning signs to potential risks to the health of your tenants. The ability to smell harmful chemicals in the air, for example, varies from person to person, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Sometimes people can smell certain chemicals in the air before they are at harmful levels…community members have reported that smelling odors in the air decreases their quality of life and sense of wellbeing.” Keep in mind that unpleasant odors can build up in your commercial HVAC system’s ducts if not regularly maintained.
Coughing or Breathing Difficulties
If your tenants are coughing or having difficulty breathing when no explainable health issues are known, it’s a key indicator that your building likely has poor air quality. It could be occurring because of a variety of factors, such as breathing in contaminated dust, dander, allergens, viruses, or other harmful particles in the building’s air.
Headaches and Nausea
Another health-related sign of poor air quality is headaches, which can occur because of the contaminants from chemicals in products used in the building, such as cleaning products or pesticides. In even more extreme cases, carbon monoxide in the air, which is very dangerous, can cause headaches and nausea for occupants.
Next Steps If Your Building Has an IAQ Issue
If you think your building’s air quality is poor, it’s important to take action as soon as possible, starting with a thorough evaluation of your commercial HVAC system from Air Stream to uncover any underlying issues. Our trained technicians will be able to determine if any contaminants are present and recommend a solution that will help improve the comfort in your building.
For an evaluation of your building’s indoor air quality, call (516) 747-4700 to set up an appointment.
How to Prevent HVAC Downtime This Summer
It’s summer, and that means the heat is on!
On top of potential maintenance issues that can arise, summer is also the time of year when your commercial HVAC system is at its highest stress levels, which can lead to unexpected breakdowns and extended downtimes. The last outcome you want to deal with as a building owner is a slew of calls from your tenants that their air conditioning isn’t working as it should.
While you might not be able to prevent all HVAC downtime, there are steps you can take to minimize potential mechanical problems and keep your system running smoothly throughout the summer months.
Common Reasons for Commercial HVAC Issues During the Summer
Here are some of the most common reasons commercial HVAC problems occur during the summer.
Your Air Filters Need to be Replaced.
Believe it or not, air filters can be one of the most overlooked parts of commercial HVAC system maintenance but are also one of the most important. Dirty or damaged air filters will reduce airflow, which means that your unit will have to work harder to cool your building. Regular checks and changes of your building’s air filters are key in maximizing the lifespan of your commercial air conditioning system.
You Need to Check Your Thermostat Settings.
You may think that setting your thermostat at a higher temperature than normal during summer months won’t make much difference, but having an overly warm indoor environment can not only cause discomfort for your tenants, but even damage your commercial HVAC system by causing condensation inside ducts or coils from excess moisture buildup.
Make sure your thermostat has been properly programmed; if not, call an HVAC professional who can make sure everything is running smoothly before any unexpected downtime occurs!You can even invest in smart building controls from Air Stream which offer the latest and greatest in HVAC technology. Smart building controls allow you to automate all aspects of your building management, meaning you can maintain comfortable indoor temperatures 24/7, as well as improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs.
Your System’s Coils Need to be Cleaned.
Dirty evaporator coils and condenser coils are behind many of the service calls we receive at Air Stream throughout the entire year. Dirty evaporator coils prevent airflow from moving across the coil in your system, whereas clogged condenser coils result in your system working harder to bring the building’s overall temperature down. Both issues can result in unnecessary energy and repair costs, which is why the best course of action is always to be on a regular HVAC maintenance plan from Air Stream year-round.
Your Air Compressor is Defective.
One of the most common problems with commercial HVAC systems during the summer is a defective air conditioning compressor. Usually, this problem occurs when something goes awry with the refrigerant in your system. If this happens, it will cause pressure within the unit’s components to rise excessively high, which can result in damage or failure due to overpressure surges.
You’re Not on a Regular Preventative Maintenance HVAC Plan.
If you’re not on a regular preventative maintenance HVAC plan, you’re setting your building up for system failures and summer downtime. Regular maintenance is key in keeping your system clean and working efficiently, as well as catching potential mechanical issues before they result in discomfort for your tenants.
Prevent Summer HVAC Downtime with Air Stream
Summer is a great time to get outside, enjoy the weather, and go on vacation! It can also be stressful for commercial building owners, especially if your HVAC system breaks down in the middle of this busy season.
To perfect your tenant’s environment all summer long, consider hiring an air conditioner repair service that offers 24/7 emergency services, as well as regular maintenance plans for all types of heating and cooling systems.
To schedule service with Air Stream now, call (516) 747-4700.
Here’s Your Commercial HVAC Summer Maintenance Checklist
It’s that time of year again when your building’s commercial HVAC system needs to be in tip-top shape to keep maintenance costs down, reduce downtime, and keep your tenants as comfortable as possible.
A year-round proactive and preventative maintenance plan is the most effective way to keep your system running smoothly year-round, however there are a few simple summer tasks that will increase your commercial HVAC system’s efficiency and performance, increase its lifespan, and keep your building cool all summer long.
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Programs
1. Change Your Air Filters
Your HVAC system’s air filters are responsible for the efficient, clean flow of air. Over time, they collect dust, dirt, and other particles which accumulate, restricting airflow, and resulting in your HVAC system working harder to cool your building.
It’s best to change your air filters at least once every three months, however there’s nothing wrong with changing them out more frequently, especially if they are visibly dirty.
2. Have Your Evaporator and Condenser Coils Cleaned
Dirty evaporator and condenser coils are responsible for many maintenance calls we receive each summer. Clogged evaporator coils will cause your system to freeze up, preventing airflow from moving across the coils, and eventually shutting off on low pressure control; dirty condenser coils on the other hand, can lead to your air conditioner taking longer to bring your building’s temperature down and eventually shutting off on high pressure safety control.
Dirty coils in your system, when left without cleaning, can result in costly repairs and damages to your HVAC system, which is why the best way to prevent any issues with your system’s coils is with a regular maintenance plan from Air Stream.
3. Check/adjust the program on your thermostats
When the temperature changes, so do the needs of your HVAC system. Maybe your tenants are using a different part of the building this time of year or enjoying Summer Fridays out of the office. To reduce energy consumption and costs, it’s a great idea to adjust your system’s controls to better match the needs of the season.
4. Do a Visual Inspection
One of the simplest ways to identify potential issues with your commercial HVAC system is by doing a quick visual inspection to make sure nothing looks out of the ordinary. Look around your system’s components and make note of any noticeable wear, rust, buildup, leaks, or disconnected pipes; any of the above issues could be impacting the performance of your HVAC system, and a technician should assess them immediately to prevent unnecessary downtime and energy costs.
Set Up Your HVAC Maintenance Plan Now
Year-round the most foolproof method to prevent issues with your commercial HVAC system is by keeping a regular proactive and preventative maintenance plan in place. You’ll benefit not only from reduced energy costs and downtime, but also happier, more comfortable tenants and year-round peace of mind that your system is working optimally.
To set up a maintenance plan now, call (516) 747-4700.
5 Ways to Improve Your Building’s Indoor Air Quality
For commercial property owners, indoor air quality is of the utmost importance, particularly as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, as it can affect the health and comfort of your tenants. So, if you are looking for ways to create a healthier and more comfortable environment for your employees and tenants, identifying some areas of improvement that can affect the air quality in your building is a great place to start.
What is Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)? 
As defined by the Environmental Protection Agency, “Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.” Poor air quality can affect not only the comfort, health, and productivity of your employees or tenants in a building, but can have lasting effects, such as severe diseases, allergies, aggravated asthma, headaches, eye irritation, and reduced lung function.
An Indoor Air Quality test measures the following:
- Humidity
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon Dioxide
- Radon
- Particulate matter
- Air Quality Index (AQI)
Factors That Contribute to Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is constantly evolving and new pollutants and smells are introduced into the air, such as dust, smoke, and mold, to name a few. There are also mechanical factors at play, such as the state of your building’s ventilation system, any moisture or humidity that’s present, and the building’s overall design.
It’s also of utmost importance to have a regularly maintained commercial HVAC system. Read on for a more in-depth look at ways you can promote good indoor air quality in your building, as stated by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Indoor Air Quality Tip #1: Don’t Block Air Supply Vents or Return Grilles
Often, a building’s furniture, partitions, and equipment are placed in such ways that vital commercial HVAC systems become blocked, affecting air circulation, temperature, and pollutant removal functions. Always make sure that air supply vents and return grilles are free from blockage. From time to time, open the windows to let new air into the building.
Indoor Air Quality Tip #2: Make Sure Air Filters Are Regularly Changed
This one may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how often it’s the culprit of an indoor air quality issue! A regular HVAC maintenance plan from Air Stream will ensure your air filters are changed on a regular schedule, minimizing dust and buildup.
Indoor Air Quality Tip #3: Ensure Your Building Is Sufficiently Ventilated
Poor ventilation significantly impacts indoor air quality, as efficient ventilation is necessary to keep air moving, pushing out pollutants, and preventing health and comfort issues for the building’s tenants. If you would like your building’s ventilation inspected to see if it’s sufficiently getting the job done, you can call our team at (516) 747-4700.
Indoor Air Quality Tip #4: Identify and Remove Pollutants
To best improve the air quality in your building, it’s critical to consider all the factors at play and develop a strategy to manage them through source control. This could be as simple as making sure to prevent exhaust fumes from your building’s loading dock from entering the building, for example.
Indoor Air Quality Tip #5: Have Your Air Professionally Cleaned
Air cleaning is another way you can boost the indoor air quality in your building; with a commercial-grade service, you can ensure your air quality is at a safe and comfortable level for your employees and tenants.
Air cleaning could include the use and/or implementation of any of the following:
- Humidifiers
- Dehumidifiers
- Air cleaners
- Air purifiers
- Air scrubbers
- UV lighting
Final Thoughts: Is Your Indoor Air Quality at a Safe Level?
Maintaining the health, safety, and comfort of your tenants is no easy feat, but we’re here for you! For an evaluation of your building’s indoor air quality, call (516) 747-4700 to set up an appointment.
Why Your Commercial HVAC System Needs a Spring Cleaning and Tune-Up
Spring is in full bloom, which can only mean one thing—it’s time for spring cleaning!
Now is the perfect time to kickstart your seasonal HVAC maintenance with a thorough inspection and cleaning of your system before the peak of summer when the last thing you want is for your building’s air conditioning to fail.
Here are 3 reasons why your commercial HVAC system needs a spring cleaning and maintenance tune-up:
Reason #1: Reduces Energy Costs
If you’re looking to keep energy costs down, cleaning your commercial HVAC system needs to be a priority! Over time, dirt and debris can build up, which can then reduce the airflow of your system, making it work harder to get the cooling job done. With regular cleanings and tune-ups, your system performs at peak efficiency, making your ongoing energy costs much lower.
Reason #2: Increases Longevity of Your Commercial HVAC System 
Regular cleaning and maintenance of your commercial HVAC system is key to ensuring it stays in great working order for years to come. By investing in a regular HVAC maintenance plan, you can reduce the costs you’d spend on HVAC repairs and system replacements.
Reason #3: Greater Indoor Comfort for Your Tenants
The last thing you’re going to want to deal with during the dog days of summer is repeated calls from your building’s tenants about malfunctioning air conditioning. With seasonal cleaning and maintenance on your system, a technician is much more likely to catch potential issues before they become a summertime air conditioning nightmare that frustrates your tenants.
What to Expect from an HVAC System Spring Service Call
To keep your system in tip-top shape, there are several components of your commercial HVAC system that should be cleaned and serviced in the spring, following a thorough inspection by a trained professional.
Air Conditioner Coils
Your commercial HVAC system has two types of air conditioning coils, evaporator coils and condenser coils. Evaporator coils are the indoor air-cooling coils responsible for removing heat from the inside and creating a cool and comfortable space for your building’s occupants. Condenser coils, on the other hand, pull heat from the inside of your building and exhaust it outside.
Without cleaning your system’s coils, they will become clogged, restricting airflow and taking your system longer to cool down (costing you more money).
Drain Lines
Your system’s drain lines are another component that need to be cleaned and maintained. Condensation from your air conditioner collect in the drain line, making it the perfect environment for mold and algae. Over time, this can lead to the buildup of sludge, bacteria, fungus, and even blockages that can cause water to build up and overflow.
Refrigerant Levels
To maintain effective cooling in your building, your HVAC system needs to maintain the correct refrigerant level. With a technician’s watchful eye on your refrigerant level, not only will it remain at the correct level for peak indoor cooling and comfort, but it’s also possible to catch potential issues such as leaks before they become a major problem that could cause downtime.
Damage to wiring is a common issue for commercial HVAC systems, usually due to pests like rats who have sought shelter during the cooler months of the year. Your technician will look for wiring issues and alert you to any issues requiring repair or replacement.
Air Filters
Last but not least—your system’s air filters should be changed on a regular basis to allow air to flow cleanly and freely throughout your building for optimal indoor comfort.
Schedule Your Spring Commercial HVAC Maintenance Now
No matter the season, the best way to prevent issues with your commercial HVAC system is with a regular proactive and preventive approach from Air Stream AC. Our team goes beyond maintenance alone and takes multiple measures to ensure your HVAC system’s deficiencies are addressed before they become issues in the future.
To request service now, call (516) 747-4700.
Why Your Commercial HVAC System Needs a Cooling Tower Startup
Spring is here…is your HVAC system ready?!
As one of the first steps toward preparing your commercial HVAC system for warmer weather and maintaining the comfort in your building, a cooling tower cleaning and startup are recommended.
What Happens When Your Cooling Tower is Shut Off and Drained in the Winter?
Your HVAC system’s cooling tower serves a necessary role in providing cool air consistently across your building. In New York, many property managers shut off and drain down their buildings’ cooling towers in the off-season, and then start them back up in the spring. Because cooling towers are located outdoors are subject to the elements of winter weather, dirt and debris may accumulate into the dry sump, and will need to be cleaned out prior to filling the cooling tower.
Cleaning the Cooling Tower 
Prior to the startup of your cooling tower, it’s necessary to obtain services of chemical treatment company to coordinate cleaning and disinfecting cooling tower as required by New York City law.
Air Stream AC starts by removing debris from the tower. Next, we grease the motors and pumps, and inspect and tighten all electrical connections and components. Then, we fill the cooling tower, run pumps to circulate, and inspect the tower for any water leaks or mechanical issues that may need to be addressed prior to cooling season. Finally, you’ll need to contact the chemical company return to complete the cleaning and disinfecting process, as well as to start up the chemical treatment equipment.
Starting Up the Cooling Tower
After your cooling tower has been professionally cleaned and disinfected, Air Stream AC’s service technicians will return to pull clean all condenser water strainers at pumps and AC systems as needed. Water strainers are like filters; if they become clogged with dirt, it will impede the flow to your water cooled condensers, potentially causing cooling operations failure. Once your cooling tower is cleaned and serviced, Air Stream AC service technicians will inspect and start up your cooling systems to help ensure a smooth transition into the cooling season.
Schedule Your Cooling Tower Startup Now
As with all components of your commercial HVAC system, the best way to increase longevity, achieve greater cost efficiency, and maintain a comfortable space for your building’s tenants is through preventative maintenance. If you’re in need of a cooling tower startup this season or are ready to explore professional commercial HVAC maintenance plans for your property, call (516) 747-4700.
We Find Out Why Compressors Fail!
When a compressor fails, there are several contributing factors that could be causing the underlying problem; often, your system has a mechanical issue. In such cases, a trained professional is needed to correctly identify the type of failure occurring to repair the underlying issue and keep your building’s cooling system running as optimally as possible!
It’s very important to identify why the original compressor failed so that it won’t happen again.
Read on for more information about the different types of compressor mechanical failures which may cause your commercial HVAC system to break down.
When to Contact Air Stream Air Conditioning for Maintenance and Repairs
If you suspect your system is experiencing one of the issues above, you’re likely going to see warning signs, including:
- Warm air blowing out of the unit
- A repeatedly tripped circuit breaker
- Shaking on system startup
- Unusual sounds
Identifying Compressor Mechanical Failures Indicators, Symptoms, and Corrections
Most compressors fail due to system malfunction which must be corrected to prevent repeat failures. After a compressor fails, field examination of the failed compressor often will reveal symptoms of system problems. Proper corrections will help eliminate future failures.
Below are several examples of reasons compressors fail:
Refrigerant Flood back
This occurs because of liquid returning to the compressor during the Running Cycle. The oil is diluted with refrigerant so much that it can’t properly lubricate the load-bearing surfaces.
Flooded Starts
In this case, refrigerant is migrating to the crankcase oil during the Off Cycle. Then, when the compressor starts back up, the diluted oil is unable to lubricate the crankshaft load-bearing surfaces, causing erratic wear.
Liquid Slugging 
Liquid slugging occurs when liquid tries to compress in the cylinders, causing an extreme flood back in the first stage of compound in open drive compressors, and a severe flooded start in the second stage of compound in refrigerant cooled compressors.
High Discharge Temperature
This air compressor mechanical failure is the result of temperatures in the compressor head and cylinders reaching such high temperatures that the oil inside is no longer able to lubricate properly. This causes the pistons, rings, and cylinder walls to wear, which in turn results in blow by, leaking valves, and metal fragments in the oil.
Loss of Oil
This occurs when there’s insufficient oil in the system’s crankcase, which prevents the proper lubrication of the bearing surfaces. As a result, there will be a uniform wearing of all load bearings.
General or Uniform Burn 
In this case, the entire motor winding is uniformly overheated or burned.
Single Phase Burn
Single phase burns occur because there isn’t a current running through the unburned, and two phases of a three-phase motor become overheated.
Half Winding Single Phase Burn
This burn occurs when half of a part winding start motor has a single phasing condition, meaning two contractors are used in the part winding start and a problem exists within one of the contractors.
Half Winding Burn
Here, half of all phases of the part start winding motor become overheated or burned.
Primary Single-Phase Burn
In the case of this mechanical failure, only one phase of a three-phase motor is overheated or burned.
Start Winding Burn
Here, only the start winding is burned in a single-phase motor due to excessive current in the start winding.
Run Winding Burn
This mechanical failure is characterized by only the run winding being burned in a single-phase compressor.
Spot Burn
Spot burns involve a localized burn within the winding, between the winding, or from winding to ground, and can be a result of an electrical failure or a mechanical failure resulting from foreign materials in motor winding.
Best Approach Measures to Prevent Compressor Mechanical Failures
Regular air conditioner maintenance is critical for identifying mechanical issues with your commercial HVAC system and keeping a comfortable environment for your building. Our trained team of experts is well-versed in troubleshooting, identifying, and repairing air conditioning compressor issues to prevent further issues with a compressor repair/replacement and help extend the life of your equipment—give us a call at (516) 747-4700 to choose your proactive and preventative maintenance plan.
5 Ways to Get Your Commercial HVAC Unit Ready for Summer
With temperatures rising everyday, now is the perfect time to make sure your commercial HVAC system is ready and running at peak performance! Keeping your building reliably cool is one of the most important ways you can perfect your environment.
Here are 5 summer HVAC tips to help ensure your commercial system is in tip-top shape.
Summer HVAC Tip #1: Have Your Air Filters Checked and Replaced
Your commercial air conditioner has filters that filtrate particles out of the air, ensuring only clean air makes it into your building, keeping indoor air quality at comfortable levels. However, air filters become clogged with dirt and debris over time, which negatively impacts your airflow and air conditioning system’s efficiency. Over time, this results in using more energy and money to perform the same job. Getting your air filters checked and replaced regularly is key to maximizing your system and saving money.
Summer HVAC Tip #2: Get Your Ductwork Cleaned
Your air conditioning system’s ductwork is another common component where dust, mold, allergens, and debris can build up and impact performance and air quality if not maintained regularly. Dirt is bound to accumulate in your air conditioner’s ductwork, and some occupants of your building may be particularly susceptible to this buildup; individuals with allergies or asthma, as well as the elderly and small children may be significantly impacted by poor air quality. A simple call to Air Stream can help ensure your ducts are clean, less energy is wasted, and your occupants are comfortable.
Summer HVAC Tip #3: Have a Professional Take a Look at Your Condenser and Evaporator Coils
Most of the service calls we receive are due to dirty evaporator and condenser coils. When left without maintenance, dirty coils can result in costly repairs and even damage to your commercial air conditioning system.
Clogged evaporator coils result in your coils freezing up, and preventing airflow from moving across the coil. A service technician is required to turn off the system to allow the coils to defrost, and a chemical cleaning and full operations check are necessary.
On the other hand, if your system’s condenser coils become clogged, it’s going to take your air conditioner longer to bring your building’s temperature down, resulting in a higher energy bill each month! Over time, if clogged condenser coils go without maintenance, the condenser coil will not allow airflow across the coil, which will cause the system to shut down on high-pressure safety control. A service technician will then need to perform a chemical power washing to remove the dirt that accumulates in the coils to allow airflow through the coil and perform a full operations check on the system.
The best way to prevent these issues before they start? Regular maintenance on your commercial unit from Air Stream!
Summer HVAC Tip #4: Integrate Smart Building Controls
One of the “hottest” ways to keep cool this summer? Smart building controls!
With smart building controls, your air conditioning system leverages the latest HVAC technology to integrate and automate all aspects of your building management, giving you the opportunity to perfect your environment, improve energy efficiency, and reduce operational costs.
With smart building controls, you’ll benefit from:
- Simplified operations and control of your building’s systems with the click of a mouse
- The ability to easily maintain consistent temperatures regardless of weather conditions
- Comfortable building tenants with increased productivity
- Increased energy efficiency and a smaller carbon footprint
- Cost savings
- Customized dashboards to view all of your building’s data, energy usage, reporting, and permissions
Smart building controls are the future of comfortable living—get started now!
Summer HVAC Tip #5: Schedule a Preventative Maintenance Call with Air Stream AC
In need of a commercial HVAC service call before summer heats up? Air Stream goes beyond typical HVAC maintenance—we’re all about proactively taking the right measures to ensure that all your system’s deficiencies are addressed to prevent any issues or downtime when you need your AC most! To schedule service, call (516) 747-4700.