Choosing the Right HVAC System: A Comprehensive Guide for New York Commercial Property Owners

New York, with its dynamic climate and bustling commercial spaces, demands precision when it comes to selecting the right HVAC system. Commercial property owners and managers face unique challenges in ensuring comfort, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Here are some key considerations that should influence your choice of an HVAC system.

Your Commercial Property’s HVAC Needs

The first step in choosing the right HVAC system is understanding the specific needs of your commercial property. Certain factors, such as your building’s square footage, occupancy levels, and the nature of the business conducted within the space should be considered. Tailoring your system to the unique demands of your building ensures optimal performance.

Energy Efficiency

In a city that never sleeps, energy efficiency is not just an eco-friendly choice; it’s a financial imperative. Look for HVAC systems with high Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings. Modern technologies like Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) and high-efficiency heat pumps can significantly reduce energy consumption, leading to long-term cost savings.

Adaptability to New York’s Climate

New York experiences extremes in weather, from sweltering summers to freezing winters. Your HVAC system should be robust enough to handle these fluctuations efficiently. Consider systems with smart building controls, or explore options for zoning to ensure precise climate control in different areas of your commercial property.

Compliance with Local Regulations

Navigating the regulatory landscape in New York can be complex. Ensure that your chosen HVAC system complies with local building codes and environmental regulations. This not only avoids legal complications but also contributes to the overall sustainability of your property.

Indoor Air Quality

The health and comfort of your building’s occupants should be a top priority. Choose HVAC systems with advanced air filtration and ventilation features. This is especially crucial in a city environment where external pollutants can impact indoor air quality. Systems with HEPA filters, UV germicidal irradiation, and ventilation strategies that bring in fresh air are valuable investments.

Lifecycle Costs

While upfront costs are a consideration, it’s essential to evaluate the long-term or lifecycle costs of your HVAC system. Factor in maintenance requirements, expected lifespan, and potential energy savings over the system’s operational years. It’s possible that a slightly higher upfront investment in a more efficient system can often lead to substantial savings over time.

Seek Professional Guidance from Air Stream

Navigating the many commercial HVAC system options can be overwhelming. Consider consulting with Air Stream—our team of HVAC professionals understands the unique challenges of New York’s commercial spaces and can assess your property’s specific needs to recommend a system that aligns with your goals.

Invest Wisely for Long-Term Indoor Comfort

Choosing the right HVAC system for your commercial property in New York is a strategic decision that goes beyond immediate comfort. It’s an investment in long-term efficiency, cost savings, and the well-being of your occupants. For guidance on your next commercial HVAC system investment, contact Air Stream.


The Role of Commercial HVAC Systems in Sustainable Building Design

Sustainable building design isn’t just a trend; it’s an environmental necessity. Your commercial HVAC system is central to achieving sustainable design, impacting everything from energy efficiency to the health and comfort of your building’s occupants. Keep reading to learn more about how commercial HVAC systems contribute to sustainable building design, why choosing the right commercial HVAC company is crucial, and how Air Stream can help you install a sustainable HVAC system that benefits your property, tenants, and the environment. 

What is Sustainable Building Design? 

Sustainable building design, often referred to as “green” or “eco-friendly” design, goes beyond the visible aspects of architecture. It encompasses a comprehensive approach to reducing the environmental impact of a building. Key objectives include efficient resource use, waste reduction, and creating a healthier, more comfortable indoor environment. sustainable building design

Commercial HVAC systems are central to achieving these objectives, through: 

Efficient Resource Use 

Commercial HVAC systems are responsible for a significant portion of a building’s energy use. By optimizing HVAC performance, you not only reduce energy consumption but also contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Waste Reduction 

Well-maintained HVAC systems require fewer replacements, resulting in less waste in landfills. Sustainable HVAC practices ensure that your old equipment doesn’t become an environmental burden. 

Healthier, More Comfortable Indoor Environments 

Proper temperature and humidity control, along with effective air filtration, ensure that occupants enjoy a healthier and more pleasant space. 

Why Your Choice of a Commercial HVAC Company Matters in Sustainable Building Design 

Not all HVAC companies are created equal, and an experienced, forward-thinking partner can make a significant difference in the sustainability and performance of your system. Here’s what to look for in a commercial HVAC company: 

Experience and Expertise 

An established commercial HVAC company such as Air Stream brings valuable experience and expertise to the table. They understand the nuances of designing, installing, and maintaining sustainable HVAC systems. They stay current with the latest industry advancements and best practices to ensure your system operates at peak efficiency. 

Customized Solutions 

Sustainability is not a one-size-fits-all concept. An experienced HVAC company can provide customized solutions tailored to your specific building and sustainability goals. Whether it’s optimizing energy efficiency, implementing smart building controls, or upgrading to more sustainable refrigerants, we can design a plan that aligns with your objectives. 

Comprehensive Services 

Sustainability often involves a comprehensive approach to HVAC systems. This may include everything from equipment selection and design to ongoing maintenance and upgrades. A reputable HVAC company offers a full range of services, ensuring your sustainability goals are met at every stage of your system’s life cycle. 

Cost-Effective Solutions 

Sustainable solutions can often lead to long-term cost savings. An experienced HVAC company knows how to balance sustainability with cost-effectiveness. They can guide you in making choices that not only reduce your environmental impact but also provide a strong return on investment. 

Environmental Responsibility 

Partnering with a reputable HVAC company demonstrates your commitment to environmental responsibility. It sends a message that your organization is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future. 

Air Stream: Your Partner in Sustainable Building Design 

At Air Stream, we understand the significance of sustainability in today’s world. As a responsible commercial HVAC company, we are committed to providing sustainable solutions that benefit both our clients and the environment. Our expert technicians remain at the forefront of the industry, ensuring they are well-versed in the latest sustainable HVAC technologies and practices, guaranteeing your system’s peak efficiency. 

We’re proud members of multiple industry associations and a United Association S.T.A.R. certified company, ensuring that we employ the best-trained heating and cooling service technicians in the industry. Air Stream also holds a membership in the U.S. Green Building Council, underlining our dedication to environmental responsibility. 

Ready to install a sustainable HVAC design that benefits both your property and the environment? Contact Air Stream today. We are committed to aiding you in establishing a greener, more efficient, and healthier indoor environment for your occupants. 


Why Regular Commercial HVAC Maintenance is Essential for Long-Term Performance

When it comes to the comfort and functionality of your commercial space, few systems play a more critical role than your HVAC system. Whether it’s keeping your employees productive, ensuring customer satisfaction, or maintaining a healthy indoor environment, a well-maintained HVAC system is essential.

Join us as we explore why regular commercial HVAC maintenance is not just a good practice but a crucial one for long-term performance. We’ll delve into the benefits of routine maintenance and why partnering with a trusted HVAC service provider like Air Stream is the smart choice to ensure your system operates at its best year-round.

Improved Energy Efficiency

One of the primary reasons for investing in regular HVAC maintenance is improved energy efficiency. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in your system, causing it to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This not only leads to increased energy consumption but also higher utility bills. Routine maintenance, including cleaning coils, changing filters, and lubricating moving parts, ensures your system operates efficiently, saving you money in the long run. commercfial hvac maintenance

Prolonged System Lifespan

Commercial HVAC systems are a significant investment, and you want to maximize the lifespan of that investment. Regular maintenance helps identify and address minor issues before they turn into major problems. By taking a proactive approach, you can extend the life of your HVAC system, delaying the need for costly replacements.

Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

Maintaining good indoor air quality is crucial for the health and well-being of your employees and customers. A neglected HVAC system can become a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and allergens, which are then circulated throughout your space. Routine maintenance includes cleaning and sanitizing components, ensuring that the air your system circulates is clean and healthy.

Consistent Indoor Comfort

Consistency is key when it comes to indoor comfort for your building’s occupants. An HVAC system that receives regular maintenance will distribute air evenly throughout your space, preventing hot or cold spots. This consistency contributes to a comfortable and productive environment for everyone in your building.

Fewer Breakdowns and Repairs

A breakdown in your HVAC system can be not only inconvenient but also costly, especially if it occurs during extreme weather conditions. Regular maintenance helps identify and address issues before they lead to system failures. This means fewer unexpected breakdowns and fewer emergency repair bills.

Why Partner with Air Stream for Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Here are a few reasons to choose Air Stream as your trusted partner for your commercial HVAC maintenance needs:

Expertise and Experience

Air Stream brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Our certified technicians have in-depth knowledge of a wide range of commercial HVAC systems, including the latest technologies. Our team knows what to look for during maintenance checks and can address issues quickly and effectively.

Customized Maintenance Plans

We understand that every commercial space is unique, with its own HVAC needs. That’s why we offer customized maintenance plans tailored to your specific system and requirements. Whether you need quarterly check-ups, seasonal tune-ups, or comprehensive annual maintenance, we can design a plan that suits your property’s needs.

Cost Savings

Regular maintenance may require an initial investment, but it pays off in the long run. You’ll save on energy bills, avoid costly emergency repairs, and extend the life of your HVAC system.

Take the Proactive Approach to Commercial HVAC Maintenance—Contact Air Stream Now

Regular commercial HVAC maintenance is not just a smart move; it’s a necessity for long-term performance, cost savings, and indoor comfort. By partnering with Air Stream, you gain a dedicated team of experts who will ensure your HVAC system operates at its best year-round. Don’t wait for problems to arise; take the proactive approach and contact Air Stream today to set up your customized commercial HVAC maintenance plan. Your employees, customers, and bottom line will thank you for it!

Take the first step toward hassle-free HVAC maintenance with Air Stream—contact us now at (516) 747-4700 to get started.


How to Cool an Older Commercial NYC Building Cost-Effectively

Cooling an older commercial building in the heart of New York City can be a challenging endeavor, especially when you’re striving for cost-effective solutions. nyc commercial buildingsThe soaring temperatures of summer can strain outdated HVAC systems, leading to discomfort for occupants and high energy bills for property owners. 

Despite what your latest energy bill may have led you to believe, you don’t have to exceed your budget to effectively cool an older NYC building during the summer. From identifying signs of an inefficient HVAC system to leveraging advanced technologies like Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems, we have the insights you need to make an informed decision about your commercial HVAC system. Keep reading to learn how Air Stream can help you optimize your HVAC system for greater efficiency and comfort. 

Signs of an Inefficient Commercial HVAC System 

There are several tell-tale signs that your commercial HVAC system may not be working as efficiently as possible, including: 

Efficient Commercial HVAC Cooling Solutions 

There are a range of commercial HVAC solutions that can increase your property’s energy efficiency (and reduce that monthly bill), including:  

Regular HVAC Maintenance 

One of the most vital ways to ensure your commercial HVAC system is working efficiently is with a regular maintenance plan. Regular cleaning, changing filters, and addressing small issues promptly can greatly improve efficiency and extend the system’s lifespan. 

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems 

VRF systems are a game-changer for older buildings. They offer individualized temperature control for different zones, adapting cooling based on occupancy needs. This technology not only ensures efficient cooling but also minimizes energy waste, leading to cost savings. 

Smart Building Controls 

Upgrade your building’s HVAC controls to smart technology. These systems use real-time data to optimize cooling and adjust settings based on occupancy patterns and outdoor conditions. This approach eliminates unnecessary cooling and ensures that your HVAC system is always working at its most efficient level. 

Demand Control Ventilation 

Older buildings often struggle with ventilation issues. Demand control ventilation systems regulate airflow based on occupancy, ensuring fresh air without excessive energy consumption. This technology enhances indoor air quality while cooling the building more efficiently. 

Zone Heating and Cooling 

Retrofitting your HVAC system with zoning capabilities enables customized temperature control in different areas. This avoids overcooling unoccupied spaces and maximizes comfort where it’s needed. 

Insulation and Seal Gaps 

Proper insulation and sealing gaps in windows, doors, and walls can significantly reduce the load on your cooling system. Less heat infiltration means your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain cool temperatures. 

Your Path to Budget-Friendly Cooling Starts with Air Stream 

Cooling an older NYC commercial building efficiently and cost-effectively is achievable with the right strategies and technologies. Identifying signs of an inefficient HVAC system is the first step, followed by implementing proven solutions for reducing energy costs such as regular HVAC maintenance and an energy-efficient HVAC infrastructure. 

If you’re ready to take the next step to cooling your commercial NYC property more efficiently, contact Air Stream today to discuss how we can tailor these solutions to your specific building needs.


How to Maintain Indoor Air Quality During Extreme Conditions

Recent events, such as the smoke from Canada’s fires engulfing New York City, have raised concerns about poor air quality. new york city smoke

Maintaining indoor air quality during extreme conditions is crucial for commercial spaces. To ensure a healthy and comfortable indoor environment for your employees and customers, partnering with Air Stream for an ongoing commercial HVAC program is the solution. We offer tailored strategies and solutions specifically designed for commercial properties and provide the expertise and support to optimize your indoor comfort.

The Impact of Extreme Conditions on Indoor Air Quality

Extreme conditions can have a profound impact on indoor air quality within commercial buildings. Whether it’s heatwaves, wildfires, or air pollution events, these extreme circumstances pose significant challenges for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Outdoor pollutants such as smoke, ash, and particulate matter can infiltrate commercial spaces, compromising the air occupants breathe. Poor indoor air quality not only affects the comfort and well-being of employees and customers, but also has the potential to impact productivity and overall business operations. That’s why it’s essential for commercial building owners and managers to recognize the impact of extreme conditions on indoor air quality.

Here are some ways you can proactively implement strategies to prevent poor indoor air quality in your property.

Regular HVAC System Inspections and Maintenance

Partnering with Air Stream for ongoing HVAC system inspections and maintenance ensures that your system is in optimal condition year-round. Regular inspections, clean filters, and well-maintained components help filter out pollutants and maintain indoor air quality.

Proper Ventilation Strategies

Air Stream’s technicians can also help you develop proper ventilation strategies tailored to your commercial space’s specific needs. Balancing ventilation requirements with outdoor air quality during extreme conditions is crucial for maintaining indoor air quality and occupant comfort.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance of the System

Air Stream’s commercial HVAC maintenance programs also include regular cleaning and maintenance of your system to prevent the circulation of contaminants throughout the building. Additionally, we offer professional duct cleaning services (upon request) for added assurance of clean, healthy airflow and better indoor air quality.

Contact Air Stream Now to Discuss Your Indoor Air Quality Concerns

Maintaining indoor air quality during extreme conditions is paramount for commercial spaces. To ensure ongoing comfort and optimal indoor air quality for your commercial building, partner with Air Stream for our comprehensive commercial HVAC program. Our experienced team of technicians will work closely with you to develop a customized solution that meets your specific requirements and challenges.

And, best of all, by partnering with Air Stream and utilizing our ongoing commercial HVAC program, you can proactively address indoor air quality challenges, ensuring a healthy and comfortable environment for your building occupants.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and start a partnership that prioritizes the well-being and comfort of your employees and customers.

5 Signs Your Commercial HVAC System is Due for Maintenance

Creating the perfect human environment is a delicate balance of factors, and at Air Stream, we understand the science behind human comfort. As a leading provider of commercial HVAC services, we specialize in maintaining and optimizing HVAC systems to ensure optimal performance and comfort for your business.

Here are five signs that indicate your commercial HVAC system is due for maintenance. By recognizing these signs, you can take proactive steps to maintain a comfortable and efficient environment while extending the lifespan of your HVAC system.

Inconsistent Temperature Control

Are you noticing temperature fluctuations throughout your commercial space? Uneven heating or cooling is often a sign that your HVAC system requires maintenance. Factors such as blocked vents, clogged filters, or malfunctioning thermostats can disrupt the airflow, causing temperature inconsistencies. Our maintenance inspections can identify and address these issues, ensuring a consistently comfortable environment for your employees and customers.

Decreased Airflow

If you’ve noticed a decrease in the airflow from your HVAC system, it’s a clear indicator that maintenance is needed. Reduced airflow can result from dirty filters, worn-out belts, or obstructions in the ductwork. Our maintenance materials, including high-quality filters and belts, can help restore proper airflow, improving indoor air quality and ensuring efficient operation.

Unusual Noises

Unusual noises, such as rattling, banging, or squealing, coming from your HVAC system should not be ignored. These sounds often indicate loose or worn-out components, which can lead to further damage if left unaddressed. Our expert technicians can perform specialized testing to identify the source of the noise and make the necessary repairs to prevent further disruptions.

Increased Energy Bills

Have you noticed a sudden spike in your energy bills without any noticeable changes in your usage patterns? An inefficient HVAC system can be a significant contributor to high energy costs. Regular maintenance, including system cleaning and tune-ups, can optimize your commercial HVAC system’s efficiency, helping you save on energy expenses. By investing in our maintenance program, you can achieve a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly operation for your commercial property.

Frequent System Breakdowns

If your commercial HVAC system frequently breaks down or requires repairs, it’s a sign that it’s time for maintenance or a system replacement. Frequent breakdowns not only disrupt your business operations but also indicate underlying issues that can worsen over time. Our maintenance program includes minor repairs and service, ensuring that your HVAC system operates reliably and efficiently, reducing the chances of unexpected breakdowns.

Protect Your Building’s Indoor Comfort Year-Round

Maintaining a comfortable and efficient environment in your commercial space is crucial for the well-being of your employees and the satisfaction of your customers. By recognizing the signs that your HVAC system is due for maintenance, you can take proactive measures to prevent larger issues and ensure optimal performance.

At Air Stream, we offer comprehensive maintenance services, including inspections, materials, testing, and repairs, tailored to your specific needs. Don’t wait until problems arise—reach out to Air Stream today to design your customized maintenance program and experience the benefits of a perfectly balanced human environment.

Remember, when it comes to creating the ideal environment, perfecting the science of human comfort starts with a well-maintained HVAC system. Contact Air Stream now to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a comfortable and efficient business space.


5 Ways to Cut Energy Costs All Year Long

With Earth Day upon us, we understand that energy usage (and monthly costs!) is a significant expense for your property year-round. However, there are ways to reduce your energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort of your employees or customers! graphic depicting green energy in commercial buildings

Here are five ways you can save on energy costs year-round via your commercial HVAC system.

Use Smart Building Controls

Smart building controls allow for the implementation of energy-smart tools, such as programmable thermostats, in your building. This allows you to program basic functions, such as setting the temperature of your building to automatically adjust to a specific schedule. As a result, you can set the temperature to be higher during non-business hours when no one is in the building, and cooler during business hours when the building is occupied. This example alone can be easily integrated into your existing commercial HVAC system, and result in significant energy savings throughout the entire year.

Maintain Your Commercial HVAC System

A well-maintained HVAC system can operate more efficiently, resulting in lower energy costs over time. A regular maintenance plan includes cleaning and/or replacing your system’s filters, and belts, inspecting controls and components, and clearing condensate drains. Performing operations check on economizers, and refrigerant charges. Not only does proper maintenance extend the lifespan of your HVAC system, but it also helps reduce energy waste.

Install Energy-Efficient Equipment

If your commercial HVAC system is outdated, upgrading to energy-efficient equipment can make a big difference in energy savings. Energy-efficient equipment can include high-efficiency furnaces, boilers, air conditioners, and heat pumps. These systems use less energy to operate and can save you money on your energy bills in the long run.

Implement Zone Heating and Cooling

Zone heating and cooling allows you to control the temperature of specific areas within your building. This is particularly useful if certain areas are used more frequently than others. For example, you can set the temperature higher in areas that are not frequently used, such as storage rooms or closets, and lower in areas that are occupied more frequently. This can result in significant energy savings by reducing the amount of energy used to heat or cool unoccupied areas.

Use Natural Ventilation

Depending on your building’s layout and climate, natural ventilation can be an effective way to reduce energy costs. This involves proper operations of economizers and fresh air damper assemblies. Additionally, natural ventilation can improve indoor air quality and promote a healthier work environment.

Let’s Discuss How Air Stream Can Help You Reduce Your Building’s Energy Costs

In conclusion, there are many ways to save on energy costs via your commercial HVAC system. By implementing a few simple changes, such as smart building controls, a regular HVAC maintenance plan, and upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment, you can reduce your energy consumption and save money.

At Air Stream, we understand that every business has different needs and requirements when it comes to its HVAC system. That’s why we offer customized solutions that fit your business’s unique needs. From regular maintenance to equipment upgrades and energy-efficient solutions, we can help you reduce your energy costs while keeping your building comfortable and efficient all year long.

To start a discussion with our team, call 516-747-4700.


Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Commercial HVAC System

Your building’s commercial HVAC system is one of its most important components. It’s more than just a way to keep your employees comfortable no matter the season; your HVAC system is an essential part of your building’s energy efficiency, which has a significant impact on your monthly operating costs. commercial hvac repair technician repairing commercial hvac system

As with other parts of your building that develop wear and tear through the years—computers, furniture, or the sign out front—you may notice signs that the time to replace your HVAC system is approaching.

Here are several of the key indicators that you’re due for an upgrade, so you know what to watch for and can budget accordingly before it’s too late.  

Noisy Operation 

If your HVAC system is noisy, this can be a sign that it’s time to replace the unit. In order to keep your office or business comfortable and energy efficient, it’s important that the noise level be as low as possible. If there is more than one type of fan in use in an HVAC system (e.g., cooling fan and heat pump), then both should operate at similar volumes so that they do not disrupt conversations or meetings taking place nearby. The sound from these fans should also be consistent throughout their operation cycle; if you notice sudden changes in pitch or tone from either one, it may indicate problems with lubrication or bearings within those motors’ housings which will need attention before too long.  

Leaking Air 

Leaking air is a common problem in commercial HVAC systems. As the system tries to maintain temperature and humidity levels, it may not be able to do so effectively if there are significant leaks in the ductwork or other components of your system. 

Decades of Use 

You may be thinking that your current HVAC system is still working fine, so why would you need to consider replacing it? Well, the lifespan of an HVAC system is often around 15-20 years. If your building was built before the late 1980s and has not yet been replaced, there’s a good chance that its commercial HVAC system is nearing the end of its service life. 

If you have an older building with an outdated or malfunctioning furnace or air conditioner, this can lead not only to higher energy costs, but also higher maintenance costs as well. If you are spending more money on maintenance than operating costs, it is time to look at a new system. The cost of maintaining an older HVAC system will go up over time and eventually surpass the operating costs of a new system, which will be lower in the long run. 

Outdated Technology 

If you’re not using the latest technology, it’s time to upgrade. The latest heating and cooling systems are more efficient than ever before, which means they can save you money on your energy bill. They’re also quieter–a big plus for customers who have been bothered by loud hums and rattles from older models. And finally, newer systems are more durable: If a part in an older unit breaks down (and eventually all parts will), then it will require expensive repairs or replacement rather than just being replaced outright with something new. 

Start Planning for Your Commercial HVAC System Now 

If you’re seeing these signs, it’s time to start planning for a new commercial HVAC system. While repairs will keep your current system running, it’s important to consider the cost of repairing versus buying and installing new units. If you decide that repair isn’t worth it or isn’t possible (and many times, it won’t be), then we can help find the best solution for your needs. 

To start a conversation with our team about your next commercial HVAC system, call (516) 747-4700. 



How to Winterize Your Commercial HVAC System

Your commercial HVAC system is responsible for keeping your building’s tenants comfortable indoors year-round. During the winter months, it’s especially important that your HVAC system is prepared for colder temperatures. Doing so ensures your system works as efficiently as possible while keeping energy costs down and minimizing downtime.

Here are several easy ways to winterize your HVAC system.

Full Preventive Maintenance, Heat Inspection, and Testing

Test electric heaters, and inspect flue pipes, ductwork, heating components, wiring, heat exchangers, blower assemblies, circulating pumps, and controls. Check times and temperatures on programmable thermostats.  Regularly scheduled air filter and belt replacements throughout winter ensure there are no blockages, less energy is used, and your building stays comfortable all winter long.

Protect Outside HVAC Components

As you can imagine, New York’s harsh winter weather can take a toll on any HVAC system components that are outside. Prior to freezing temperatures, air vents, condensation traps, airside economizers, and exposed water pipes all need to be properly insulated and protected to prevent freezing.

Clean Heating Ducts

Your HVAC system’s ductwork links the system equipment which produces heated and cooled air with the internal spaces in your building. Regular cleaning of your system’s heating ducts provides clean, fresh air to your building, and keeps your tenants comfortable. Having your heating ducts checked and cleaned by a professional regularly prevents the loss of heated air and unwanted energy costs.

Need Your Commercial HVAC System Winterized?

Make sure your building is winter-ready—call Air Stream at (516) 747-4700 to schedule service. We’ll ensure your property is equipped for the New York cold and your tenants remain comfortable all season long.



How You Can Benefit from Mechanical Asset Management

If you’re looking for ways your property can reduce 2023 operating costs, optimize your commercial HVAC system, and maintain a comfortable environment for your tenants, Mechanical Asset Management is a promising option for you.

Keep reading to learn more about how you can utilize Mechanical Asset Management in your commercial HVAC plan.


What is Mechanical Asset Management?

Mechanical Asset Management is the process of managing your machinery and equipment in a way that optimizes their lifespans, performance and productivity. It involves strategic planning that helps your company cut costs and maximize profits by reducing equipment downtime and increasing efficiency, reliability, and productivity.

In the past, Mechanical Asset Management was reserved for large companies with significant budgets, but now smaller businesses and property owners can reap the benefits, too.


Benefits of Commercial HVAC Asset Management

With the help of modern technology, you can use mechanical asset management to achieve the following benefits:


Air Stream’s Approach to HVAC Asset Management

When you enlist Air Stream for Mechanical Asset Management services, our team serves as your Mechanical Consultant, meaning we handle all auditing, monitoring, and implementing of best practices for operating your commercial HVAC system.

Here’s our four-step commercial HVAC Mechanical Asset Management process:

Step One: Auditing

In this first phase, we take inventory of all the current HVAC equipment in your building, noting key information such as equipment manufacturers, model numbers, serial numbers, age, and life cycle.

Step Two: Documentation

Next, we document all units and statuses of your building’s HVAC equipment and determine if and when any upgrades or replacements will be needed. By creating this documentation, technicians will have all of this information readily available to reference for future service calls for added efficiency.

Step Three: Planning

After auditing and documenting your property’s commercial HVAC equipment, we will prepare a report that will clearly lay out the best plan for improving and maintaining your property’s equipment, as well as how to reduce energy usage and costs.

Step Four: Maintenance

Last, we’ll use our findings to shape future recommendations and meet with you periodically to discuss your building’s HVAC needs, continuing to manage existing assets and make improvements as needed.


Contact Air Stream Now to Discuss Your 2023 Asset Management Services Needs

With the new year upon us, it’s a great time to make your commercial HVAC plan a priority with Mechanical Asset Management.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Air Stream can help your business, contact us today at (516) 747-4700.



400 Crossways Park Dr Suite 102
Woodbury, NY 11797
Tel : (516) 747-4700
Fax: (516) 747-0063

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